Standing at the Glynn/Camden County line in Camden County and looking into Glynn County across the CL McCarthy Bridge.
Looking at the abutment of the CL McCarthy Bridge - which was built in 1955.
Looking into Glynn County, again.
A turnout near Buck Swamp Rd that appears to have possiblly been a picnic area in US17's heyday.
A small Artesian well in the turn out area.
A couple of palms in the turnout area.
Looking at the turnout area from the South.
Looking South at US17/GA25 from Martin Palmer Dr.
Looking Northward on US17.
At the junction with US82. This is the southern terminus of GA303 (which you would be on if you went straight through the intersection). US17 turns right here and multiplexes with US82 for about 0.5 miles; where US82 terminates at the junction with IH95.
North US17, East US82, East GA520. For some reason, GA25 got left off this overhead.
Approaching the Junction with IH95. This is Exit 29.
The famous Georgia Pig Bar-B-Que. Who knows, stop in and you might run into me there.
Headed North on US17.
Rainbow over the GA Pig
US17 Northbound, Glynn County, GA.
The first re-assurance marker after passing IH95. Note no reference to US82. If you exit IH95 Northbound at Exit 29, there is no reference to US82 eastbound on the directional signs, *but* if you exit IH95 Southbound at Exit 29 there *is* a directional sign for US82 Eastbound. Giving rise to my theory that US82 terminates at the middle of the interchange.
Approaching Fancy Bluff Creek.
A recently constructed bridge ahead. This bridge was built to facilitate growth of the Coloniel's Island Ro-Ro (Roll On, Roll Off) Facility while minimizing disruption of traffic on US17 from trains and vehicles being transported back and forth from lots south of US17.
Crossing the previoously referenced bridge
The main entrance to the Colonel's Island Ro-Ro Facility.
US17 Northbound, Glynn County, GA
Leaving Colonel's Island and heading out across the marsh
Crossing the marsh on US17 Northbound. This road was widened from two lanes to 4 lanes about 10 years ago. The pavement has held up rather well.
Looking across the marsh toward the Brunswick River and the Sideny Lanier Bridge.
Approaching the junction with the Downing Muscgrove Causeway which will take you to Jekyll Island. GA520 will turn right here and terminate at the entrance to Jekyll Island.
At the junction with the Causeway and at the foot of the Sidney Lanier Bridge.
US17 Northbound, Glynn County, GA
Climbing the Sidney Lanier Bridge. Believe it or not, people actually walk/jog and ride bikes on this bridge. US17 also carries the designation of Bike Route 95, so its perfectly legal to ride/jog/walk on this bridge.
At the highpoint of the roadway, 203ft above Mean Sea Level.
Descending from the high point. The buildings on the left are part of the old JA Jones Shipyards where Liberty Ships were built during World War II. The area is being cleared for an upscale development called, "Liberty Harbor," which means these buildings will soon be gone in the name of "progress." :(
The southern terminus of US341.
At the junction with US341. Turning left here will take you through some bad neighborhoods before heading northwest to Jesup, Baxley and finally to its northern terminus in Barnesville, GA at US41.
US17 Northbound, Brunswick, GA.
US17 Northbound, Brunswick, GA. Dead ahead is a small marina and Spanky's Marshside, a popular local restaurant.
Left: a marker dedicated to all of our military people at the Marshes of Glynn Overlook Park.
Above: A directional sign for US25/GA25-Conn and overhead signs for same.
Left: the sign, again.
Above: looking down US25/GA25-Conn (known to the locals as Gloucester St). Turning North on US25 will take you to Jesup, multiplexed with US341, and then on to Augusta, GA and ultimately to Cincinnati, OH and US42/127 at its northern end.
A re-assurance marker for US17 just past the junction with US25. US 17 becomes a 6 lane highway here.
The entrance to the Marshes of Glynn Overlook Park.
US17 Northbound, Brunswick, GA
A little regionalistic protectionism on the part of the local shrimp boat operators. You can eat pond raised shrimp at home. If you come here eat the locally caught wild shrimp.
The exit ramp for the F.J. Torras Causeway to St. Simons Island.
US17 Northbound, Brunswick, GA. This area is undergoing a "rebirth," of sorts as the old motor courts are being removed for new development. Where the crane is is the site of the former Sands Motel, which has been removed for an office and apartment complex. To the right behind the garage is the long closed site of the Dixie O'Brien Paint Company. Before US17 was widened to 6 lanes, there was an oversized paint bucket that the company used for a sign. Someone is selling trailers in the driveway of the plant now. The main building still stands.
The Palms Motel. Another motor court from days past that is still in operation.
What's left of the Oak Park Inn. This one has been mostly demolished (save for the stub next to the road). A Condo/hotel development is planned here.
US 17 Northbound, Brunswick, GA
Somebody's limo near the highway. I think that the company that owns it operates out of the used car dealership here.
The intersection of Cypress Mill Road/GA303 and US17. This is the northern terminus of GA303.
US 17 Northbound, Glynn County, GA.
Chapel Crossing Road. Turning here will take you past the main gate of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, where the Department of Hysterical Screaming trains its goon squads. There is a buffer of businesses, a church and a school between the Training Center and US 17 (brave DHS'ers), so you really don't see too much of it from the road, save for a Tabby monolith set back from the road. Needless to say, I did not linger in this area taking pictures. The right lane here has a continuous green light.
US17 Northbound, Glynn County, GA. The road is fixing to go back to a two lane black top in about 0.5 miles or so.
US17 Northbound, Glynn County, GA. The road is back to a two lane road now.
US17 Northbound, Glynn County, GA.
US17 Northboune, Glynn County, GA
US17 Northbound, Glynn COunty, GA. The yellow marker signs at many of the intersections along this route are a recent addition.
US17 Northbound, Glynn County, GA. The road is two lane Northbound and one Southbound for about 1 mile here.
Junction GA99. GA99 does not terminate here, but it does not multiplex with US17/GA25, either. In Darien in McIntosh County, GA99 will branch off of US 17 and go on its own to serve several small communities in Coastal McIntosh County and meet up with US17 once more (GA99 may become the focus of a future project).
US17, Glynn County, GA. Headed out across the marsh again.
The last intersection in Glynn County, Charlie Gibbs Rd leading to the Two-Way Fish Camp, Ricefield Condos and Mudcat Charlie's Restaurant on the Altamaha River.
Looking South at US17 from Charlie Gibbs Rd.
Looking North from Charlie Gibbs Rd at the bridge over the Altamaha River
US17 crossing the Altamaha River on the Glynn/McIntosh County Line, as seen from the docks at The Two-Way Fish Camp.
Crossing the Harold James Friedman Memorial Bridge and entering McIntosh County, GA.
Looking back at the bridge from the McIntosh County side.